About Modico Graphic

Celebrate with us the 10th anniversary Modico Corporation!

In 1989 we started our adventure in the world of graphic arts in Warsaw (Poland), at a time of historical transition. Over the following years new products would be designed, as well as new venues:

2005, Modico starts in Munich (Germany).
2008, Modico France opens its doors.
2009, Modico opens its headquarters in United States territory in Waterloo (Wisconsin)
2012, Modico starts a strategic collaboration in the African territory in South Africa with our partner Bloemfontain Repro Service.
2015, after several years serving our Spanish customers from the headquarters in Warsaw, Modico takes a step forward with a new headquarters in Jerez de la Frontera (Spain).
2018, Modico Graphics Spain opens its new showroom in the heart of Madrid.
2018, Modico Italia starts operating from its headquarters in Airuno (Lecco).
2019, Modico buys Beskova Rezitka and Bleskowe Pieczatki in Czech Republic and Slovakia to create Modico Graphics.
2019, Modico´s headquarter, opens a commercial department specialized in printing machinery for the Polish territory, thus joining the Modico Graphics group with same image and target.

Do you want to be informed of how the story continues? You just have to let us know, and we will gladly tell you about the new challenges that we continue to face!


Contact us and discover our special anniversary offers:
Modico US Corp.
740 Pierce St. | Waterloo, WI 53594
Phone: 920-478-3803 | Fax: 920-478-3843

Fespa South Africa 2018 (Sergio, Ruan and Chris)
30 Years anniversary Graphispag 2019 (Chris Malczynski)
Digicom show Madrid 2019
Reklama Polygraf Praha 2019 (Chris Malczynski & Richard Foist)
Showroom Opening Madrid 2019
Viscom Milano 2019 - Italian team
Promogift show Madrid 2020
Promogift show Madrid 2020 - going on!
Stand in Viscom Dusseldorf 2020